Purchasing Card
A purchasing card is a form of credit card that allows goods and services to be purchased without using a traditional purchasing process.
In the UK, purchasing cards are usually referred to as procurement cards. Purchasing cards are issued to employees and they help companies to maintain control of small purchases, while reducing the administrative cost associated with authorising, tracking, paying and reconciling those purchases. Companies can set monthly limits to purchase cards or a single amount expenditure limit.
The use of purchase credit cards has increased over the past few years, with government organisations starting to favour these kinds of business credit cards over the traditional credit card, as it enables them to “remove red tape” and reduce costs. Purchasing cards are cheaper than a visa credit card as they, unlike credit cards, offer a mechanism to do these transactions at a significantly lower cost than traditional methods. A Visa purchasing card, for example a Barclaycard commercial purchasing card, eliminates manual invoice settlement, credit checks and other operations, it also removes the need to raise purchase requisitions or approve individual purchase orders manually on low value items, thereby reducing administrative overheads which they can then pass on to their customers.
Payment Processing Services by NOIRE
NOIRE provides industry leading online payment processing services & risk management technologies. Designed using NOIRE, “Simply Switch On”, approach to payment processing, our payment solutions are built using the latest payment processing technology enabling businesses to “Plug In” and “Switch On” payment modules with ease if and when required.
As a leading Payment Service Provider, you can trust NOIRE to find the right solution for your business. We provide everything in one simple agreement – your Internet Merchant Account, Payment Gateway and Payment Processing with all the leading cards issuers. Combined with NOIRE’s industry leading fraud & risk management solutions, merchants can be confident managing their payments safely and securely from beginning to end with NOIRE.
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